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Dallas Daycare Abuse Lawyer

40+ Years

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Over $125M

Won for Clients That Have Become Family

Daycare is a prevalent option for working parents in the United States. By next year (2021), there will be approximately 856,238 daycare facilities in the U.S. alone [1]. Although there are specific regulations in place that govern the care provided by these facilities, abuse happens every day. Working parents often turn to daycare as a trustworthy option for their children.

Unfortunately, daycare negligence is common here in Texas and the rest of the United States. According to one recent study, 818 children suffered serious injuries in 2018 while in childcare in Texas alone. This number is on the high side, but we suspect there are even more cases of daycare abuse that go unreported.

Protecting Our Nation’s Children

There is no question that parents should be able to trust those tasked with their child’s care, whether that is a daycare facility, in-home nanny, school, or babysitter. However, neglect and abuse in daycare centers occur all the time. Often, these cases go unnoticed because children can’t – or don’t – talk to their parents about what is happening. For this reason, you must be aware of the most common signs of daycare abuse. If your child is too young to speak or has suffered a trauma of any kind, you may never realize what they are going through.

At Shamieh Law, we understand how sensitive these cases are. We want to help you protect your children and will do everything we can to ensure justice is served. If you suspect daycare abuse or neglect, contact Shamieh Law today and schedule a free consultation. You never think your child will be the victim of abuse until it happens. By taking the time to educate yourself about the various types of daycare abuse, signs to watch for, and what your legal options are, you can help your child and other victims of abuse.

Child Abuse Statistics

One of the most devastating facts about daycare negligence is the volume in which it occurs. There are both state and federal laws in place designed to protect those in daycare, but various forms of abuse still happen. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports there are nearly 3 million child abuse cases [2] in the U.S. annually, and five children die [3] every single day because of abuse. Not all cases of child abuse take place in daycare facilities, but many do.

Here are a few additional facts about child abuse to help you understand what a problem it is in America:

  • 1 out of 3 girls and 1 out of 5 boys are sexually abused before they are 18
  • 90 percent of child abuse victims know their abuser (68 percent of abusers are family members)
  • Victims of child abuse are 59 percent more likely to be arrested as a juvenile and 30 percent more likely to commit a violent crime
  • 7.5 million children are involved in child abuse reports annually [4]
  • 72 percent of child deaths involve at least one parent
  • Approximately 185 children in Texas are abused every day (The Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas)
  • 25 percent of Texas girls are abused before the age of 18

These numbers are shocking. It can be challenging to imagine anyone purposely causing harm to a child, but it happens all the time. If your child goes to daycare, you must remain an active part of their care and bring up any concerns immediately. Children may not understand they are the victim of abuse or may not have the tools to talk about what they are experiencing with you. Knowing the various types of daycare abuse and the signs to watch for can literally save lives.

Types Of Daycare Abuse

The signs of daycare abuse will depend on the type of abuse your child is experiencing. However, it is important to note that ALL forms of abuse, neglect, or molestation carry the possibility of inflicting long-term effects on your child. Before we go over the most common signs of daycare abuse, let’s look at the different types of abuse:

  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Neglect

Each kind of abuse has specific symptoms and behaviors you should be aware of. It is common for children to feel afraid or like the abuse is their fault. By keeping an eye out for changes in behavior or physical symptoms of abuse, you will have what it takes to protect them and stop any potential abuse from occurring.

What Are The Signs Of Daycare Abuse?

Is My Child In Danger?

Daycare abuse cases are complicated for many reasons. For one, the signs of daycare abuse aren’t always apparent to parents and others on the outside. This is why daycare abuse goes unnoticed so often.

The following signs may indicate your child is being abused or neglected while at daycare:

  • Unexplained bruises, scratches, or other obvious injuries
  • Changes in behavior (depression, signs of guilt or shame, withdrawal, and isolation are all common examples)
  • Consistently hungry or thirsty when you pick them up
  • Recurring nightmares
  • Unexplained illness
  • Fearfulness
  • Night screams
  • Bruises, bleeding, or rashes around the genitals
  • Dirty diapers
  • Runaway attempts (specifically from the daycare center)
  • Apprehension or withdrawal when being taken to daycare
  • Poor concentration
  • Flinching at sudden movements
  • Aggression towards other children, adults, or animals
  • Frequent crying
  • Being eager to please
  • Difficulty walking or sitting
  • Diaper rashes
  • Negative self-talk
  • Bloodstained clothes
  • Lack of confidence
  • Unusual interest in sexual behaviors
  • Acting out

If you notice any of the above, seek professional help immediately and stop taking your child to the daycare center.

How Shamieh Law Can Help

The key to identifying daycare abuse is being observant and listening to your child. If you have a gut feeling something is wrong with the care your child is receiving, pay attention. The cycle of abuse must be stopped right away for your child to get out of harm’s way. Abuse at any age can have a devastating effect on a child and may impact them for the rest of their life.

If you believe your daycare center is guilty of abuse or neglect, report it to your local authorities and contact Shamieh Law right away. Our experienced Dallas daycare abuse attorneys take these cases very seriously and are prepared to help you today.

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